We believe that everyone has the capability for emotional healing and psychological growth with the right support and conditions, and that many times looking into all the different systems and tools available can feel overwhelming.
The right guide creates a healthy environment personalizing and communicating clearly the interpretation of these systems and tools. This setting makes it easier for you to explore, identify and understand your wounds, belief systems and patterns, allowing you to find yourself in that process. Your guide, will teach you how to take constructive action towards the lifestyle you desire. It is about learning how to apply our system to flow with change and transform your knowledge into embodied wisdom.
Why take a 1:1 session?
Because a personalized session makes it easier for you to explore, identify and understand your wounds, belief systems and patterns teaching you how to take constructive action towards finding yourself creating the lifestyle you desire.What will I learn through 1:1 sessions?
Yo'u’ll learn how to apply our 20:10:20 formula to flow with change and transform your knowledge into embodied wisdom.
When is the best moment to seek for a 1:1 session?
When you are often unhappy, feel overwhelmed, hopeless or an issue causes distress or interferes with daily life; or when you feel like life is inspiring you to take that first step towards growth
Is it for me?
Yes, it’s for everyone regardless of age, gender, location or cultural beliefs.
What can I expect from my first session ?
The first session often focuses on gathering information. The Master Guide speaks with you about your past physical, mental, and emotional health. You also discuss the concerns bringing you to the session, addressing them and determining the best course of action.
How long is a 1:1 session ?
Session often last from 45 to 60 minutes.
Who is conducting the 1:1 session?
Master Guide Mario Rosales
How do I book a 1:1 session?
Email or text +1 915.539.5362
Where does the 1:1 session takes place?
Video-call or on Horizon Workrooms by Meta (you need your own Oculus device for this option)